Copilot4DevOps Version History

Copilot4DevOps V3

Release date: August 2024

New Features

Dynamic Prompt

A new feature “Dynamic Prompt” is now available in Copilot4DevOps Plus which can be accessed from the respective modules (“Version Package” & “Smart Docs”) tool bar and work item context menu as well. It can also be accessed from “Queries”, “Backlog” tabs and “Work item context menu”.

It allows users with a more open approach to enter the prompt of their choice and perform any desired action through dynamic prompt and the result is then generated accordingly.

In this function there are two tabs “Prompt” and “Result”. Under the “Prompt” tab, select the desired Query 1 and Query 2 and their corresponding Fields from the dropdown. Check the “For each item in” checkbox for either Query 1 or Query 2, or both, if processing one work item at a time is necessary. Users can enter the prompt of their choice and choose to generate the result. The result is generated according to the prompt and id displayed under the “Result” tab. If any of the “For each item in” checkboxes are checked, a confirmation popup will appear containing a checkbox with the label “Don’t ask again”. On clicking the checkbox, the popup is not opened again until the cookies are cleared. Click on the copy button to copy the generated result. It also provides user to “Create work item” and publish work items within ADO projects/teams and VPM/Smart Docs grids.

The “Prompt” tab’s toolbar includes options to create new prompts, preview prompts with context input, save or save as prompts with custom names, and open existing prompts, allowing users to rename or delete prompts from the context menu.


Pseudocode is a high-level description of a computer algorithm or program, using structured language resembling a programming language, but without adhering to specific syntax rules. Copilot4DevOps Plus can generate pseudocode for input work item data.

Through this function in Copilot4DevOps Plus, user can select the desired work item HTML field(s) along with the title from “Input parameters” dropdown to access the data to generate Pseudocode. The data is displayed in two panels for this function as below:

  1. Left Panel: The selected work item field(s) original data is displayed in this panel under field wise heading respectively.
  2. Right Panel: On clicking “Generate”, the Pseudocode is generated and displayed in this panel.

Users can opt to “Copy” the generated data in HTML format to place elsewhere as well. Additionally, they can add generated pseudocode to a selected work item HTML field using options like “Add to bottom,” “Add to top,” “Replace,” or create a new work item with the generated Pseudocode. Upon publishing this work item, it can be included in the ADO project/team. If permitted based on the template configuration, it may also be added to the “Version Package” and “Smart Docs” grids. There is an option of providing additional instructions that provide users with a further option and ease of appending any custom instruction that he/she might want to add to generate the result.

Test Scripts

A Test Script is a set of instructions or code used to automate the execution of tests to verify their functionality or performance. Copilot4DevOps Plus can generate Test Script for input work item data based on the selection of Framework.

The function in Copilot4DevOps Plus allows users to select specific HTML fields from the “Input Parameters,” including their titles, and choose a framework from a dropdown menu. This selection enables the generation of a test script based on the chosen criteria. The data is displayed in two panels for this function as below:

  1. Left Panel: The selected work item field(s) original data is displayed in this panel under field wise heading respectively.
  2. Right Panel: On clicking “Generate”, the Test script is generated and displayed in this panel.

The user can opt to “Copy” the generated data in HTML format to place elsewhere as well. Additionally, he/she can add the generated Test Script to a selected work item HTML field using options like “Add to bottom,” “Add to top,” “Replace,” or create a new work item with the generated Test Script. Upon publishing this work item, it can be included in the ADO project/team. If permitted based on the template configuration, it may also be added to the “Version Package” and “Smart Docs” grids. There is an option of providing additional instructions that give users further options and ease of appending any custom instruction that he/she might want to add to generate the result.


Custom Instructions

There is an option of providing additional instructions that give the user further option and ease of appending any custom instruction that he/she might want to add to generate the desired result in the existing Copilot4DevOps Plus functions. On clicking it, a right panel opens, where users will be able to Choose an AI model, conversation style, output length, response language and add any custom instructions which will be added with the default prompt.

For the elicit function, users are provided with two custom instruction input areas. The first one is designated for the list of titles, while the second one is tailored for adding detailed instructions.

Admin Panel - Configure versions for Copilot4DevOps Plus

There is a “Configure versions for Copilot4DevOps” section in admin panel under “General Tab” through which users can select the API model to be used to generate data through Copilot4DevOps Plus. Based on the selection of API model user can select the model version(s) to be shown to the user under the “Additional Instruction” right panel. This selection provides users with the ability to select the model version they prefer to generate data.

Bug Fixes

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